Math 19 Calculus

Summer 2009

General Information
Course Calendar
Exams and Quizzes

Homework Policy

Completing homework assignments is an integral part of this course. Problems are designed to reinforce concepts covered in lecture as well as to encourage students to explore implications of the results discussed in class. Very few students will be able to go through the entire course without struggling on many problems, so do not be discouraged if you do not immediately know how to solve a problem. In confronting difficult questions you should consider how the problem at hand connects to topics, definitions and/or theorems discussed in class.

When you have worked on a problem for a while and remain stuck, you are encouraged to ask for hints from your instructor or course assistant during their office hours. Students may also discuss problems with one another, but must write solutions on their own. In particular if you have taken notes while discussing homework problems with friends or instructors, you must put these notes away when writing your solution. Be warned: watching someone else solve a problem will not make homework a good preparation for tests. Don't get caught in the trap of relying on others to get through homework assignments.

Students are expected to take care in writing their assignments. For instance,

assignments should be written neatly;
assignments should contain clear, complete solutions; and
solutions sets which contain multiple pages should be stapled.

Assignments are due to your instructor at 4pm on the designated due date -- no late submissions will be accepted. To accommodate situations such as a serious illness, your lowest homework score will be dropped at the end of the quarter. Please note that you will not receive credit for work turned into another instructor. Remember to turn in your homework to the instructor of the section you are enrolled in. If you're unable to turn in your homework at lectures, slide it under your instructor's office doors.

Partial progress toward solutions on problems will be awarded partial credit, but simply writing answers down without justification will receive zero credit. Please note that usually only a portion of each week's problems will be scored; the selection of problems chosen to be graded will not be announced in advance.

Homework Assignments

Due Date
Homework 1
July 1
Solution 1
Homework 2
July 8
Solution 2
Homework 3
July 15
Solution 3
Homework 4
July 22
Solution 4
Homework 5
July 29
Solution 5
Homework 6
August 5
Solution 6
Homework 7
August 12
Solution 7

General Information
Course Calendar
Exams and Quizzes

Summer 2009 -- Department of Mathematics, Stanford University
For questions, please contact Ziyu Zhang, Yu-jong Tzeng or Jennifer Kloke.