Math 19 Calculus

Summer 2009

General Information
Course Calendar
Exams and Quizzes

Policy for Exams and Quizzes

There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. The problems on the exams will be similar to examples done in class and homework problems. If you have a valid schedule conflict with of the midterm exam which takes place on July 20th, you must contact us no later than July 13th to arrange to take it at an alternate (early) sitting. Valid conflicts include having another exam at the same date and time, being a varsity athlete with an out-of-town game at the scheduled exam period, or having another class scheduled at the same time. Only students with legitimate conflicts will be allowed to reschedule their exams, and alternate exam times are limited. According to the department policy, there will be no alternate sittings for the final exam. You must take the final exam at the announced time.

There will be a 5-minute quiz at the beginning of every Monday lecture except the midterm exam day. For section 01, the quizzes are from 1:15pm to 1:20pm; for section 02, the quizzes are from 2:15pm to 2:20pm. These quizzes are designed to be quite easy and are intended to ensure that you have learned the most basic information from the previous week's lectures and homework assignment. There will be no makeup quizzes. However your lowest quiz score will be dropped.

All exams and quizzes are closed-book, closed-notes. You may not use calculators or any other computing devices. You are expected to work independently in all exams and quizzes, and follow the Stanford Honor Code.


Grade Distributions
Quiz 1
June 29
Solution 1
Grade Distribution 1
Quiz 2
July 6
Solution 2
Grade Distribution 2
Quiz 3
July 13
Solution 3
Grade Distribution 3
Quiz 4
July 27
Solution 4
Grade Distribution 4
Quiz 5
August 3
Solution 5
Grade Distribution 5
Quiz 6
August 10
Solution 6
Grade Distribution 6

Final Exam Statistics

Here is the Final Exam Grade Distribution.

The top quarter of the class scored an 116 or better, the median score was 95, and the bottom quarter of the class scored 65 or lower. The mean score was 90, with a standard deviation of 34. See the histogram linked above for a more detailed view of where your score stands.

Final Exam Announcement

The final exam will take place on Saturday, August 15th, 7pm-10pm, at classroom 320-105 (in the geology corner of main quad, see here for a map).

The final exam will be comprehensive. It covers all material of this course. However, emphasis will be on the material taught in lectures after the midterm exam.

You are strongly encouraged to work on the following practice exams independently:
When working on the practice exam you should attempt to solve the problems on your own without looking at the included solutions. Working the problems with the solutions at hand will do you no good at all. However, feel free to make use of the office hours to ask any questions that you have. Bonus office hours are offered during the weekend before the midterm. Please refer to the complete schedule of office hours.

Solutions to the final exam and grade distribution will be posted here after the final exam.

Midterm Exam Statistics

Here are the Midterm Exam Solutions and Grade Distribution.

The top quarter of the class scored an 87 or better, the median score was 77, and the bottom quarter of the class scored 55 or lower. The mean score was 71.9, with a standard deviation of 17.9. See the histogram linked above for a more detailed view of where your score stands.

Although letter grades are not given for individual exams, if the final grade were to be based on this exam alone, the B/A cut off would be at approximately 85/86, the C/B cutoff would be at approximately 62/63, and the lowest C-minus would be approximately 38.

Midterm Exam Announcement

The midterm exam will take place on Monday, July 20th, 7pm - 9pm, at classroom 420-040 (in the basement of psychology building, see here for a map).

The midterm covers lectures in the first 4 weeks (up to July 16 lecture).

You are strongly encouraged to work on the following practice exams independently:
When working on the practice exam you should attempt to solve the problems on your own without looking at the included solutions. Working the problems with the solutions at hand will do you no good at all. However, feel free to make use of the office hours to ask any questions that you have. Bonus office hours are offered during the weekend before the midterm. Please refer to the complete schedule of office hours.

Solutions to the midterm exam and grade distribution will be posted here after the midterm exam.
General Information
Course Calendar
Exams and Quizzes

Summer 2009 -- Department of Mathematics, Stanford University
For questions, please contact Ziyu Zhang, Yu-jong Tzeng or Jennifer Kloke.